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Friday, June 13, 2008

Dispatch From the "Saving Darwin" Tour

FROM KARL GIBERSON: I spoke at Wheaton College yesterday. Wheaton is a remarkable place. It's an elite college, whose solid faculty has Ph.D.s from leading schools. But it's also a school that has not come fully to terms with evolution, and all faculty members are required to sign a form that says Adam and Eve did not evolve from prehuman ancestors.
I talked for an hour about Saving Darwin, and really pushed the idea that human beings have to be understood as evolved, like the rest of the animal kingdom. I could tell that a lot of the students were eating it up, which makes me wonder if the school's science students feel a little constrained. The faculty I met there were great and clearly invested in helping students wrestle effectively with this issue.
In the afternoon, I had an interview with a reporter from Salon.com that should appear on its Web site next week. But the big event of the day was my appearance on Milton Rosenberg's radio show that went a full two hours long. Rosenberg is a major intellectual, one of the media giants of Chicago, and a sociologist at the University of Chicago. Our conversation should soon be available online. Check back for updates.


Anonymous said...

I've never seen your blog before today....

My question, "Why does Darwin need to be saved?"

He's more alive and well now that he is dead than he was when he was living.

Karl Giberson said...

Darwin needs to be saved because 100 million evangelicals think he was in cahoots with the devil. It's amazing the stories that fundamentalists tell about Darwin.

Saving Darwin chronicles some of the dreadful stories, both true and false, that have made "Darwinism" into a bad word for so many Americans.

Karl Giberson said...

I see there is a very animated discussion of Saving Darwin on Bill Dembski's blog. They are spending a lot of time speculating about my motivations for choosing that title for the book.

I wonder what they will say when they find out that my publisher chose the title and I suggested something else.